At 10:38 PM EDT on April 25 Rob 'Feztaa' Park sent off:
> Alas! Rob 'Feztaa' Park spake thus:
> > folder-hook =foobar "macro index <Left> <change-folder><Tab><search>foobar<Enter>"
> > 
> > If I change "foobar" to "^foobar", it doesn't work, but that line as it is
> > works fine. Is there a different search command that does have regexes?
> This is really weird. I'm generating these with a perl script, and if I
> tell it to print "^$mbox", I'll get something like "^inbox" printed, but
> mutt will interpret that as "^Inbox" (a tab and then "nbox"). But if I
> tell it to print "^ ^H$mbox", it'll print the same thing but mutt will
> behave properly.

I discovered this recently.  The right (easiest) way to quote a ^ in mutt
regexps is "^^", because mutt uses ^x for Control-x so it provides ^^ for a
simple caret.  ^I means control-I, a tab.  I know you have a working veresion
already, but you shouldn't! ;-)  I thought "^ ^H" meant
<control-space><backspace>.   It works for me with just "^^blah".

"Let's just sit here a moment and savor the impending terror." - Calvin
Robert I. Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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