Matej Cepl wrote:
[somewhat OT for this list, but...]
> * use patch for imapd for reading maildir boxen. I tried that 
>   (using patch for Pine 4.4* from
> but when I tried
>   to connect to locally created maildir file, I have got just
>   browsing through directories -- impad have not recognized it).
why are you so tied into using UW imapd? it's pretty much universally
regarded as insecure and poorly written... you might consider courier

you might check out these patches if you haven't already.  my tests
worked ok (a long time ago), but note that they won't use the courier
style 'maildir++' format (ie making all folders subfolders of INBOX and
naming folders like '.folder')
and another, for more recent UW imapd:

also, if you want to run IMAPD locally instead of using an IMAP client
to read off the server, why not use fetchmail or something (which IIRC
can do IMAP) to download your mail onto the local machine?

Will Yardley
input: william < @ hq . newdream . net . >

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