Brett --

...and then Brett H. Williams said...
% Hi all,


% I just started using Mutt last week, and have really loved it.

Yay for you, and welcome!

% I was using 1.2.5, but I wanted %E in index_format, so I grabbed 1.3.28i.  

Good idea, especially since 1.2.5 has a security hole.

% Now I have a new problem, which is that my mailbox is considered read-only.  I
% am just using my spoolfile over NFS.  Everything was working great before the
% upgrade.

While it could be an NFS locking issue, it's probably a mutt_dotlock
issue.  You will probably find that you don't have permission to create
a .lock file in the mail spool directory, and if mutt expects to do that
but cannot then it won't consider the mailbox writable.

What does

  ls -dl `which mutt` `which mutt_dotlock` `dirname $MAIL`

give you?  If mutt_dotlock is owned by you instead of root, that's
probably your problem.  Fortunately it's easily fixed by getting rid of
the mutt_dotlock you just installed; the 1.2.5 one will still be in your
path and mutt (yours, 1.2.5, or any other one whose user has the original
dotlock program in $PATH) will happily use it.

Now, if that isn't the case, shoot us a mutt -v printout and tell us more
about your mail spool setup and we'll see what we can see.

% Is there a change in the way mutt handles this?


% P.S.
% I wanted to use the $hide_missing, but even under 1.3.28i it claims it is an
% invalid variable.  Is this a future feature or am I still not getting the
% latest version?

Hmmm...  I'm running 1.3.28 and, although I do have quite a cocktail of
patches, I don't need any patch to set $hide_missing.  I believe it was
integrated into the build around 1.3.25, though I'm not positive; I have


(though I'm not using it for my build, I promise) which has hide_missing
in it and so it can't have been too far after that.  So when you're in
mutt and you type

  :set ?hide_missing

you get an error?

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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