if i have ignore_list_reply_to set, shouldn't mutt honor a
mail-followup-to header?

take the following example:

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Will Yardley)
Cc: Admin List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mail-Followup-To: Luser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Admin List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

i'd expect a list-reply to go to the addresses in the m-f-t header,
since i have ignore_list_reply_to set... however 'list-reply' replies to
the list only.

in other cases (ie on lists where no munged reply-to header is present),
<list-reply> directs a followup to the addresses in m-f-t if it's

am i missing something here?

also, is there any way to manually set a m-f-t header to the list, even
if you're ccing someone on the message itself?  i'm pretty sure there
isn't, but just asking.

Will Yardley
input: william < @ hq . newdream . net . >

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