
Can mutt copy the contents of one header to another one? I have many
different e-mail addresses on my machine, all of which get read at a
single account. Some of those addresses are for mailing lists, for example,
at this mailing list I use [EMAIL PROTECTED] When I reply to the list
I have to manually type in the address that the mail was sent to. My MTA
puts a header at the top with the delivery address:

Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I want to take that delivery address and put it into the From: header
automatically without having to type each one in by hand.

If this is not an appropriate thing for Mutt to be doing, please give me
a pointer as to how to solve this problem. I'm a relatively new e-mail
admin and am still learning.

Patrick Draper                | Don't  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Austin, Texas                 | Fear   |Father Order runs at a
http://www.pdrap.org          | The    |good pace, but old Mother
Be Microsoft Free - Use Linux |Penguin |Chaos is winning the race.

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