I'm using the Debian [unstable] packaged version of mutt [1.3.28-2]
against the Debian [testing] packaged version of uw-imapd

What I'm trying to do is set mailboxes to poll for new email.
Compounding factors are:

set spoolfile="imap://popess.manjusri.org/INBOX"
set folder="imap://popess.manjusri.org/Mail"


binder@popess:~$ grep -C Debian .procmailrc

        :0 E:
        # Is it debian-foo?  Put it in the Debian/foo folder
        * MATCH ?? ^debian-\/[a-z]+


If I start mutt and <c>hange folders to "+Debian/devel/" it does The
Thing I Expect, it takes me to the set of messages stored in the
Maildir format in popess:/home/binder/Mail/Debian/devel/, and all
is well there.

But if I try to set mailboxes to watch it with the directive:

mailboxes +Debian/devel/

then mutt reports "Connection to popess.manjusri.org closed" followed by
"Mailbox closed" and then I'm looking at an empty mailbox, with
none of the nine or so emails I know are in my INBOX.

`mutt -d2` shows this at the tail end, grabbing the last message from
my inbox, presumbably, and then choking on the server response:

Handling FETCH
FETCH response ignored for this message
imap_read_literal: reading 271 bytes
< )
< a0004 OK FETCH completed
imap_open_mailbox: msgcount is 9
> a0005 STATUS "Mail/Debian/devel/" (RECENT)^M
Connection to popess.manjusri.org closed
imap_cmd_step: Error reading server response.
Mailbox closed
parse_parameters: `charset=us-ascii'
parse_parameter: `charset' = `us-ascii'
read_rfc822_header(): no date found, using received time from msg

I've RTFM and STFW; is it simply not possible to poll Maildir mailboxes
on IMAP servers for incoming mail with mutt?  If it's just not possible,
I'll live with some IMAP-aware biff-like thing + mutt but I'm not
finding any indications one way or another that it's [im]possible.

Surely someone else is delivering to Maildir and monitoring it with
mutt, over IMAP, successfully?


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