On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 04:15:52PM +0200, Michael Tatge wrote:
> Christoph Kukulies ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) muttered:
> > 
> > I changed my hostname but want to have 
> > my previous hostname (which is a DNS CNAME alias to the new hostname)
> > in mail postings (I subscribed several mailing lists with the old name)
> > 
> > Is this possible with an entry in .muttrc/.mailrc?
> - configure sendmail (or whatever MTA you're using to do propper
>    masquerading
> or
> - for local mail
>   set hostname=OLDHOST
>   set use_domain
> - Internet mail
>   set from=you@oldhost
>   set use_from

Sendmail solution may be the only option, if the mailing list checks
sender address on the envelope instead of 'From:' header.

William Park, Open Geometry Consulting, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
8 CPU cluster, NAS, (Slackware) Linux, Python, LaTeX, Vim, Mutt, Tin

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