David T-G (1st level) and Mutt-Users (2nd level)... > % I already searched the newsgroups concerning imap and mutt and didnīt find >anything helpful. > % But i am seeking to read my mailinglists and news on exchange with my mutt. > > Unless you can come up with how it's already been done, I don't expect > that you'll find it. Public Folders and news are not the same as mail.
Hello I got IMAP with Exchange working with PINE before I was enlightened. I could get all my mail folders working nicely, but not Public Folders (not much anyway, although I could see some mail header-like data) and the Calendar stuff. Appointments are email messages with a body that can be parsed for the information required. There is even a PERL script on the 'net somewhere that converts these to iCal appointments. On Mailing Lists: You may be able to get these to work. Since I have no interest in getting Mutt or any other IMAP client to work with this, I can't help you further, but look at this which I found in a quick hunt: http://www.extundo.com/gnus-imap/buggy-imap-servers.html There is reference to an IMAP implementation because it is in coding an IMAP backend that the person who wrote this page come up with it, the command: 57 SELECT "Public Folders/Mailing lists/Ionific internal discussion" appears to work, albeit with buggy flags. You may need to "escape" spaces from your shell to get these working? For those of you who won't surf to that page, I don't suppose there is any need to tell you that Exchange's IMAP bugs take more space than any other server on the list ;-) On Public Folders: The problem is that Public Folders are not mailboxes; they don't follow standards. They use some kind of mailbox header-like style, but are not browsable via an IMAP client. Not even Outlook Express IMAP mode has code hacked into it to speak properly with Exchange. Exchange as a mail server barely has POP and IMAP connectivity working properly, but anything else is just a large waste of your time. If you must use Exchange and browse all that stuff, I suggest Evolution with the Ximian Connector for Exchange. Apparently that works pretty well, however of note is the announcement from www.slipstick.com: "Ximian Connects UNIX/Linux PIM to Exchange 2000 Ximian Connector is now available to connect the Ximian PIM for UNIX and Linux desktops to Exchange 2000. The Ximian user interface is very similar to Outlook's and, with the connector, provides access to all data in a user's mailbox except Journal and Notes folders. Group scheduling and other collaboration features are built in. It does not, however, provide support for Exchange public folders or out-of-office messages. (27 Mar)" Interesting, Public Folders are therefore strange beasts... Notes: Exchange keeps all your mail (even if separated into folders) in one huge .pst file. Maybe Exchange 2000 has changed this structure but it was certainly the case for 5.5. Conclusion: Exchange is just another Windows share on the network /pretending/ to be a mail server ;-) -- [Simon White. vim/mutt. [EMAIL PROTECTED] GIMPS:79.19% see www.mersenne.org] When the bosses talk about improving productivity, they are never talking about themselves. [Linux user #170823 http://counter.li.org. Home cooked signature rotator.]