Akkana --

...and then Akkana said...
% Mike Schiraldi writes:
% > the request is for a command which will initiate a reply to "A list" but not
% > Alice.
% Exactly!
% So I gather that mutt currently has no way of doing this.  If I add


% one, is there any chance it might make it back into the source tree?

Um, "any"?  Yeah, of course.  "Any reasonably measurable probability?"
I doubt it.  There are lots of very-much-loved feature patches that
aren't in the source tree, though, so you could still have your cake
and offer it to others.

% Or are people really opposed to this on principle?

Oh, no; if you can get it to really work, then I'd certainly be

%       ...Akkana

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
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