>On 17/04/02, from the brain of Rocco Rutte tumbled:

> Hi,
> * Michael Montagne [04/17/02 20:25:08 CEST] wrote:
> > I want my sentbox folder to show me the recipient's name,
> > the date, etc.  So I use this line in .muttrc.  But all I get are
> blank
> > lines.  
> > folder-hook sentbox set index_format="%d %t (%3l) %s" 
> Works here.
> Why not use %v or %L instead ot %t? So you wouldn't have to use
> folder-hooks, I guess, because %v makes exactly the distinction
> you'd like to have.
> > If I use this line:
> > folder-hook sentbox set index_format="%d %s"
> Hmm, you could try enclosing the command in ''. %d requires a
> $date_format to be set, so check that, too.
> And btw, your first version really will look ugly. You
> probably would want to use something like:
>   "%d %-15.15t (%3l) %s"
> HTH,
> Cheers, Rocco.

I know it's ugly, it was only an example.  The solution for me was to
put all the formating in another file and source it into my .muttrc.  It
must've had something to do with the order I called things.  I've had
issues with that before, but it's only a guess.  I used this terrific
web page as a template

Michael Montagne

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