David, et al --

...and then David Rock said...
% Mutt's default for saving messages seems to revolve around the From
% address (e.g. mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] wants to save to ~/Mail/foo). Does

Right (though there is a save_alias patch that will let you save to the
alias rather than the actual addressee).

% anyone have some good ideas about how to manage their mailboxes? What

There are lots out there, but none have yet solved this problem.

% happens when you have a thread involving multiple people? If you use the
% above example, the thread would be destroyed as you save to different

The problem is one of saving your messages into multiple places;
sometimes it makes sense to stick it in Bob's folder, and sometimes in
Sue's, but sometimes it really pertains to both of them.  You also don't
want to duplicate your messages, because that costs disk space.

What you really need for this sort of thing is a RDB back-end that can
take the message itself and then link it to multiple users' "mailboxes"
as they are defined by a schema.  Then *everything* relating to Bob, even
if it were a simple offshoot from Sue, would be available, and threading
would be pretty.  That's a long way off, though.

One idea I had was moderately insane but manageable with shell scripts
and accessable from the filesystem (one bad thing about the RDB idea,
unless you also tie in a filesystem view -- which can be done, AIUI; I
think that Oracle has just such a product).  You need one Maildir which
keeps *all* of your mail, and then you have a bunch of fake Maildirs
which all have symlinks in cur which point to the proper message in the
real Maildir.

This is obviously just a small germ of an idea, and of quite possibly no
value whatsoever, but either of these proposals might get some ideas
kicking around and one of these days we might see an answer.

% folders. Is there a way to track a thread across different folders
% (maybe by message ids)?

You could certainly grepmail them together, but that still keeps things
separate, and you have to go and dig out a Message-ID: first.  Still,
that's probably the best for today.

% -- 
% David Rock


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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