
I still have not resolved my old problem with synchronization of
my home linux box with remote IMAP store (I am not dial-up, so
I do not want to work with emails online). I have not managed to
get working mailsync (http://mailsync.sourceforge.net) and
because I would like to use locally UW IMAP, I cannot use maildir
local folders. Does anybody know about any better solution?

Do you know whether isync is/will be ever extended so that it
would be able to synchronize two IMPAP stores (I guess, that
adding that capability should not be so complicated, but of
course I will not do it, so I may be totally wrong)?

        Thanks for any hint


138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
My point was simply that such tax proposals [for Pigovian taxes
compensating for the transaction costs] are the stuff that dreams
are made of. In my youth it was said, that what was too silly to
be said may be sung. In modern economics it may be put into
        -- Ronald Coase
           Notes on the Problem of Social Cost

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