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* Eduardo Gargiulo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2002-04-17 13:03 -0400:
> Hi all.

Hi Eduardo!

> It is possible to use mutt as news reader?

My favorite nntp patch is Orjan Stromberg's:


I wrote a little wrapper around NNTPPost:

#/usr/local/bin/newspost, a wrapper for /usr/bin/NNTPPost
# assumes your /etc/news/server contains the name of your newsserver
touch $USER/.muttnntp_spol
/usr/bin/NNTPPost $USER/.muttnntp_spol $(cat /etc/news/server) \
&& cat $HOME/.muttnntp_spol >> $HOME/.muttnntp_spol.SENT 2> /dev/null

and have this in my .muttrc:

set nntp_offline=3Dyes
bind    index   F       followup=20
bind    pager   F       followup=20
macro   index   i       "!newspost\nB"   "deliver and get news"
macro   pager   i       "!newspost\nB"   "deliver and get news"

I like this patch much better than Vladimir's vvv-nntp, but YMMV.

> If the answer is yes, how should i configure it?

You can use the patched source Orjan provides, make sure you compile
mutt with "--enable-nntp" option.


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