Michael Elkins [Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 09:23:59AM -0700]:
> Nico Schottelius wrote:
> > I am wondering why mutt has to be locked while G-taking pop mails.
> > I think I still could work/send new mails while mutt does this work. 
> > I also think that it would be senseful, if I get 500 messages, I could
> > start to answer the first while recieving the last 400.
> > 
> > So my question, why don't we easily fork() this process ?
> You probably want to install fetchmail instead of using Mutt's built in POP3
> support.  This will give you more flexibility, and allow you to download mail
> in the background.

okay, this will be what I will do soon, but I am wondering why we shouldn't
allow mutt to fork out the pop process.


Nico Schottelius

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