> > However, when you make fetchmail deliver directly to procmail, fetchmail
> > does not generate a "From " line at all, and neither does procmail - big
> > barf results. In that case, use fetchmail -> formail | procmail.
> I believe that this is misleading/incorrect information.  I have

>  mda '/usr/bin/procmail  -d %T'

That's interesting - I would have expected procmail to generate the
From_ but it surely didn't with 
fetchmail --mda 'procmail </dev/null >>"$logfile" 2>&1'

Perhaps the explicit delivery mode (-d) makes the difference, there's
also -f- but you're not using that. But the main thing is we get it


Volker Kuhlmann                 is possibly list0570 with the domain in header
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