On Sun, Apr 14, 2002 at 11:53:57AM -0400, John P Verel wrote: > David, > > > As suggested, here's the first two messages from the file. The messages > bodies, which were just plain text, are omitted for confidentiality: > > > From: Robert F. Hugi [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 1999 11:20 AM > To: Verel,John(NXI); [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: [Deleted] > > >Message here, deleted > > > > From: Davis, Christopher [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 9:21 PM > To: Heyen,Keith A.(NXI); Verel,John(NXI) > Cc: Goldstein,Irving V.; Chazaud, Diana; Taylor, Gabriella > Subject: [Deleted] > > >Message here, deleted > I made mutt read this mail as three-mail folder with awk: $ awk -f awkscript.awk <pst2 >output where pst2 is folder where I saved only the original (unquoted) mail and output is the rusulting folder. awkscript.awk is attached
-- Michal Suchanek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
{ if ($0 ~ "^From: ") { # a From: line is eaten from=$0 start=1 }else{ #not From: if (start) { #but after From: start=0 if ($0 ~ "^Sent:") { # Sent: after From: mail=from; sub("^.*\\[","",mail); sub("\\].*$","",mail); wday=substr($2,1,3); mon=substr($3,1,3); mday=substr($4,1,2); year=$5 hour=substr($6,1,2); min=substr($6,4,4); if ($7=="PM") hour+=12; date= "" wday " " mon " " mday " " hour ":" min " " year print "From " mail " " date print "Date: " date } #doesnt look like a header # just print the eaten line print from } # not even after From: # nothing special print $0 } }