I don't know why sort_browser=unsorted (as-is) equals
sort_browser=reverse-unsorted (shouldn't it read 'si-sa'?).

The reverse- prefix does nothing here, and the docs doesn't
state that. Moreover, the help scrn at the browser, shows
options o and O, but also doesn't help.

I know, it's not quite logical to reverse-sort something that
isn't previously sorted, but that would give me the exact
mailbox order I would want to use. I'll now investigate how to
do it, as find doesn't sort, and sort doesn't just
reverse-unsort (he! mutt isn't the only one at this).

I had to change from (two prgs):
mailboxes       `find ~/mail -type f|xargs`

to (five prgs):
mailboxes       `find ~/mail -type f|grep -n .|sort -rn|cut -f2 -d:|xargs`

Rafael C. Gawenda, rgawenda/at/pobox/dot/com
2:348/610@fidonet; GnuPG key: 0x5C4839A5; Registered LiNUX User #93375
Guru, n. A computer owner who can read the manual.

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