16-Apr-02 at 08:27, David T-G ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :
> ...and then Eduardo Gargiulo said...
> % 
> % Which variable should i edit to customize the lines
> % 
> % ----- Forwarded message from xxxxx <xx@xx> -------
> % .
> % ----- End forwarded message -----
> % 
> % appended when i forward a message? I want to remove the From: header.
> If you haven't yet looked through the manual for "forward" to at least
> try to find it, shame on you.
> If you have, how could you have missed forward_quote at 6.3.54?

IIRC, the variable forward_quote sets the indent string.

The actual strings "Forwarded message from" and "End forwarded message"
cannot be changed, bar changing them in the source and recompiling.

i.e., there is no "$forward_attribution"

I looked into hacking the source and providing a patch, but as it was not
essential for me, I decided to leave it aside. Especially since I have no
working knowledge of C, so I have to search for code that does the right
thing and screw around with it, and heaven knows whether that will give
the best approach :)

[Simon White. vim/mutt. [EMAIL PROTECTED] GIMPS:74.84% see www.mersenne.org]
Sometimes we sit and read other people's interpretations of our lyrics and
think, 'Hey, that's pretty good.' If we liked it, we would keep our mouths
shut and just accept the credit as if it was what we meant all along.
  -- John Lennon.

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