
* Patrik Modesto [04/15/02 20:28:12 CEST] wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 03:40:03PM +0200, Rocco Rutte wrote:
> > * Patrik Modesto [04/15/02 13:46:31 CEST] wrote:
> > > I'm having problems with pgp_strict_enc. I want mutt to not encode
> > > message to quoted-printable before pgp sign, so I set pgp_strict_enc to
> > > no in my .muttrc, but mutt still encode it before sign. What's wrong? Me
> > > or mutt? (Of course! Mutt can't be wrong, I know! :-)
> > 
> > Why would someone want this? QP is chosen to ensure that the
> > body of a messages is not touched and can be safely
> > transported and delivered. Signing unencoded mail may cause
> > some MTA on the path to do encoding so that you can't verify
> > anything.

> Because my emails read users of MUA, that dont understand that =50=65
> messages.

In which character set do you send non-signed mail? Maybe your
$send_charset overides it?

> Anyway. Is the pgp_strict_enc setting working? Not for me.

I just noticed that it does not always work for me.

Cheers, Rocco.

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