First I should note that in spite of the problems I find mutt more
powerful than some GUI beasts that require tons of memory to run.
Thanks to the developers and all people on this list that helped me to
set up mutt.

I found these problems for which I know *no* 100% workaround:
- I'm unable to set folder browser root reliably. With multiple accounts
  Ican effectively browse only one account
- I'm unable to check mail on ssl and non-ssl imap account. I can log in
  only to the ssl account when both should be checked.
- I'm unable to browse Maildirs reliably. They can contain both messages
  and subfolders but when I enter a maildir the message index is
  displayed automatically (should be handled the same way IMAP browsing
  is described in documentation). Another problem is that if I start
  browsing in a directory whose parent is a maildir (ie ~/Mail/artax)
  and select .. I get folder name including the .. (ie ~/Mail/artax/..)
  in message index.

I found these minor problems:
- $folder has to be imaps:// (not imap://) if you use ssl or you have to
  login twice (use correct URL)
- account-hook is not suitable for setting $from (use folder-hook)
- subfolders in Maildirs arent displayed in browser - start with dot
  (set mask to show .subforder and ignore new|cur|tmp) - suggest

My mutttrc is still quite small and I decided to send it in its
entirety (I use mutt mutt-1.3.27i-4mdk):

set from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
set spoolfile="$HOME/Mail"
#mailboxes `echo imap:// imap:// 
imap:// ~/Mail ~/Mail/.??*`
mailboxes ~/Mail `echo ~/Mail/.??*` imap:// 
# if I uncomment this ---------------------------------------^ I cant
# access dec anymore (get connection refused) . I set the line below for
# easy access to the other IMAP account through browser but cant check
# for new mail there. 
set folder=imaps://
# During previous experiments I discovered that I'm able to set browser
# root using $folder exactly twice: first I set it to ~/Mail as a
# default and then to an imap server using folder-hook. After that
# browser starts on the imap server I used first.
#set folder=~/Mail
set mbox_type=Maildir
set move=no
set sort=threads
set sort_aux=reverse-last-date-received
set pager_context=1 pager_index_lines=11
set record=~/Mail/.Sent
ignore Delivered-To Resent-

source /usr/share/Mutt.aliases
source ~/.mail_aliases 
set alias_file=~/.mail_aliases

subscribe mutt-users@mutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] cooker@linux 
account-hook . unset imap_user imap_force_ssl
#account-hook . set imap_force_ssl=no 
folder-hook . set [EMAIL PROTECTED] record=~/Mail/.Sent
#\ folder=~/Mail
account-hook artax set imap_user=msuc8339 imap_force_ssl=yes
folder-hook artax set [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
# The following line was part of the line above. It was not very useful
# and I discovered that if I do not specify imaps:// but have force_ssl
# I have to login twice: once for browser ond once for a folder.
#\ folder=imaps://artax... 
account-hook dec59 set imap_user=suchanek imap_force_ssl=no
folder-hook dec59 set [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#\ folder=imap://dec59...
save-hook .*    +saved-mail
save-hook \[Cooker\] +linux-saved
save-hook \[expert\] +linux-saved

# this maintains better compatibility with less and possibly others
bind pager B bounce-message
bind pager b previous-page

        Michal Suchanek

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