Hello Luke,

 On Friday, April 12, 2002 at 3:39:03 PM +0100, Luke Ross wrote:

    [graphic versus ascii thread tree]
> If under cygwin, force mutt to run under code page 437

    Could you please elaborate this one? I was never able to get Latin-1
characters *and* graphic tree at the same time under Cygwin. I was
getting bad charset and nice tree with older Cygwin versions, and now
with recent Cygwin install I get nice charset but wrong tree... and am
forced to set ascii_chars. Now I don't know how to set CP437?

    I use mutt in 3 ways:

 - locally on Cygwin, Mutt.exe started from Bash.exe (itself in a Win2k
cmd.exe console window). Good charset, but wrong tree.

 - running remotely on a Linux box, Mutt started from Cygwin thru it's
own /bin/telnet.exe (again in a Bash session inside a cmd.exe window).
Same thing: Nice charset, bad trees. Note I had to copy Cygwin's
terminfo definition file to the Linux disk for this to work at all.

 - locally on the Linux box, from the local Linux console. Nice charset,
nice threads. :-)

> Set  ascii_chars in your muttrc, so mutt uses +, - and > to draw the
> tree.

    I've set in muttrc:

set ascii_chars=`if [ "$TERM" = "cygwin" ] ; then echo yes ; else echo no ; fi`

    So I automatically have best or less bad trees, depending on the
terminal I'm looking from.

Bye!    Alain.
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