Thorsten Haude wrote:

> Yes, that gives a nice introduction and good pointers to technical
> documents (which I may need if I ever get around to get my filter
> really aware of the different formats).
> I would still like to read something about the key infrastructure.
> Example: If I get a mail signed with PGP/GPG, I know that I need a
> key, where to get that key, how to authenticate the key, etc. Most
> important, I know how to make and distribute my own key.
> I don't know these things for S/MIME.

S/MIME doesn't work the same way as PGP.  you can get a free cert from
thawte.  s/mime sigs usually include the key itself along with the
signature (which is why s/mime signed mails are so rediculously large).

you can inport the certificate using ^K i believe.

there is a sort of PKI system for it, which you can read about on the
thawte site, but in any event, the whole thing is more analagous to an
SSL website certificate than to PGP / GnuPG.

as with SSL certs for web / email servers, you can probably generate
your own using openssl, but it won't be signed by a trusted CA.

Will Yardley
input: william < @ hq . newdream . net . >

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