
Since I started using 1.5.0, I occasionally get a weird error while
starting my editor.

I use NEdit via shell script:
    nedit -lm Mail -do 'insertSalutation()' -import ~/.mail/mudit.rc $@
Because NEdit is somewhat less well known than vi, I'll explain a bit:
The first option (-lm) invokes NEdit with the language mode 'Mail',
the second option (-do) executes a macro, the last option (-import)
sets some options like wrap.

NEdit always loads a macro file on startup, which for the language
mode 'Mail' loads four further macro files.

Since I use Mutt 1.5.0, NEdit occasionally displays a number of error
dialogs which say:
    Can't open macro file /etc/profile:ulimit:15: value exceeds hard
    limit /home/yooden/.NEdit/macros/macro1.nm
and the same for the other three macro files. I don't get an error for
the autoload file.
(This is followed by a dialog which tells me that the macro invoked in
the command line could not be executed. This is not surprising since
it is loaded from one of macro[1-4].nm. I don't have *any* macro from
one of these files available.)

/etc/profile:15 is:
    ulimit -c 20000
I have only one core from April in my $HOME hierarchy and this is a
directory where I tried a complicated NEdit patch, so I doubt that it
is related. Anyway, neither NEdit nor Mutt cores.

The NEdit version I use is a patched cvs HEAD from March 11, and I
have not seen this error before I started using Mutt 1.5.0 about 7-10
days ago. (See other mail on details about Mutt's build options.)

When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are
considered more important than people; the giant triplets of racism,
militarism, and economic exploitation are incapable of being conquered.
        - Martin Luther King

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