Hello --

...and then s. keeling said...
% One of the things driving this is I'd like to find a way to easily

I think I've pretty much solved this wrinkle.  Assuming you've gone to
get a spamcop mail reporting ID, then you might find

  [zero] [11:59pm] ~>  grep spam .mutt/muttrc | cat -v
  ###set editor="vim +/^$"        # set as a send-hook; reset for spamcop
  folder-hook F.spam      'set sort=mailbox-order ; push "<tag-pattern>.^M"'      # 
for spam forwards
  send-hook (spamcop|(submit|quick).[a-z0-9]*)@.*spamcop.net      'unset pgp_autosign 
; set editor=/bin/true signature= ; my_hdr Fcc: /dev/null ; my_hdr From: 
  macro generic ,f "<enter-command>push 
<tag-prefix><forward-message>sc<enter><enter>y"   "spam forward"
  macro generic ,s "<tag-prefix><save-message>=F.spam\n"  "spam transfer"
  macro generic ,S "<tag-prefix><set-flag>r<tag-prefix><save-message>=OF.spam\n"  
"spam dump"
  [zero] [11:59pm] ~>  grep spamcop .mutt/aliases
  alias sc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (SpamCop Submissions-by-mail 
  [zero] [11:59pm] ~>  ls -lF Mail/quick*
  lrwxrwxrwx   1 davidtg         7 Apr  2 13:22 Mail/quick.4fhavei2m7k2cgam -> spamcop
  lrwxrwxrwx   1 davidtg         7 Dec 12 07:53 Mail/quick.oxd1ox6zdsz2ztjb -> spamcop
  [zero] [DING!] ~>

helpful.  Anything tagged (and everything in =F.spam automatically is) gets forwarded 
to spamcop with a simple ,f sequence.  When SpamCop sends a message back with umpteen 
URLs in it, I hit ctrl-b to fire off urlview and then hit return on about a dozen in a 
batch and then back through the screen windows pasting in

  /send sp

to search for the send link, hit return, and hit return again.  It quick
and easy and will last me until I finally get spamassassin in place and
handle it elsewhere.  In the meantime, if anyone has a quick perl script
that will take a URL, talk to the web server, find a certain link ("send
spam report") and follow it, I'd be in heaven :-)

Hey, good morning, everyone!

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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