On Wednesday, 10 April 2002, David T-G wrote:
> % I would like to define a keystroke that fetches gpg keys for me from
> % signed messages, like
> % 
> % "gpg --keyserver www.keyserver.net --recv-keys 0x$KEY"
> % 
> % But how can I get/define $KEY?
> Why reinvent the wheel?  Just use $pgp_getkeys_command as found in
> your_pgp-gpg_version.rc in the contrib directory in the tarball.

Funny how it never worked for me. Could you quote yours? Or at least
one that's working and doesn't invoke some script no-one has ever
heard of?
"The Universe doesn't give you any points for doing things that are easy."
        -- Sheridan to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Geometry of Shadows"
Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski <rathann(at)rangers.eu.org>

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