* Rafael C. Gawenda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-10 15:07]:
> Quoting darren chamberlain (Wed Apr 10 14:55:03 CEST 2002)
> > Are permissions correct on $MAIL?
> r-x   11 ais      ais          1024 Apr 10 10:36 mail

I'm not sure what this is indicating; try

/bin/ls -l $MAIL

> It's weird! I'll be disconnecting in some minutes, till tomorrow. So
> I'm taking this box home, to reinstall/compile mutt, and do some
> checks. Thank you.  I'll post problem/solution, if I find something
> interesting (yes, even if I've put something like 'set
> MicrosoftHasGoodProgrammers=yes' into the cfg).

If you like pain, try stracing a mutt session:

  strace -o /tmp/mutt.out mutt

And see if anything looks unusual (look for write errors).


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
    -- Arthur C. Clarke

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