* VB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [04-07-02 14:22]:
> HI,
> I've got my learn on and trying to get basic mail configured.  Presently,
> I'm using mutt + sendmail + fetchmail.  I figured how to *receive and read*
> mail via mutt/fetchmail, but I can't figure out how to send.  On my local
> FBSD listserv, some people say I have a sendmail problem, some say mutt.
> Maybe ya'll could help me figure it out?
> Then I opened mutt and tried to send a message, but it was returned.  The
> mail error message I don't understand:  "sorry, your envelope sender domain
> must exist".  Please, what does the message mean, and what more should I do
> to enable myself to send messages?  Full message text below.

The receiving location will not accept your mail unless your domain is
a real address.  In your .muttrc you need to set:
set envelope_from

I believe that this will solve your problems.
Patrick Shanahan               Registered Linux User #207535
                        Registered at: http://counter.li.org

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