Thanks to Gary Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), my problem is solved
perfectly with his mail-to-filter2 perl code.

1. Add 
    set display_filter=mail-to-filter
  to .muttrc

2. Save
  as mail-to-filter. (Do not forget to chmod +x )

Done. Long cc/to list are replaced by
  [<lines> lines deleted]
and I can always see the original header with h command.

> > % Is there a way to let mutt display only one or two lines of "To" field? I
> > % frequently receive emails with several pages of 'To's. Ignoring the To field

> > Hmmm...  You might set up a display filter that prints only the first
> > <N> characters of a ^To:_ match for whatever N you like.  Better yet,
> > teach it about your $alternates (heh from another thread!) and then have
> > it show only those addresses near yours or replace the whole thing with
> > NOBODY_AT_THIS_ADDRESS! or some such.

> > % altogether does not sound like a good idea.

> > Agreed, though you could always see it again by looking at all of the
> > headers if you wanted to...

> > % 
> > % Thanks.

> > HTH & HAND

Bo Peng
Department of Statistics
Rice University

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