On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 12:48:32AM +0100, Sven Guckes scratched: > * Wim Kerkhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-22 16:18]: > > I've got a couple of things to tweak yet before > > I'll be as productive with multiple folders as I > > was in NS, but otherwise I'm a really happy camper. > > > > I'm so used to having a 3 way split in my mail > > program: folders on the left side, message list in > > the top right, and preview in the bottom right. > > With that setup, it's a breeze to drag and > > drop messages to any of my 138 folders. > > Now, I understand the value of dragNdrop - > but what's wrong with tag+save?
Nothing, now that I know how to use it :-) > giving access to several windows means > that more commands must be distributed > among the available keys. this means > that some keys are bound to commands > which simply switch between the windows. > > that's why different menus allow > more commands for each menu. > > also, seeing all folders can be nice, too - > but I don't have a monitor to > show all of my 5,000 folders. ;-) Hehehee A 21" monitor helps, but being able to easily expand and collapse the folder hierarchy is really handy. Unfortunately, there is only so much that a console browser is capable of. Strange how much switching mail clients makes you think about context sensivity, context menus, mouseovers, and lots of other things that are taken for granted. > Sven [hey - folders DSW!] DSW? Wim (I'm no longer on the mutt lists, please Cc me)