* Rocco Rutte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-05 14:46]:
> * Will Yardley [04/05/02 20:55:36] wrote:
> > this is very useful for getting help online and so on, since it's
> > generally much more compact than the actual postfix configuration
> > file.
> Exactly. And because mutt allows inclusion of other files, some script
> here and some script there, it would be helpfull to have a dump of
> what mutt will really use. And which of those values are not default.

Vim has a "scriptnames" command, which "[l]ist[s] all sourced script
names, in the order they were first sourced."  I find it to be *very*
useful, and something similar should be considered for inclusion if a
variable dump is added to mutt.


Blore's Razor:
    Given a choice between two theories, take the one which is funnier.

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