05-Apr-02 at 18:32, Sven Guckes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote : > "Pfeife zerbrochen"
Broken pipe, I suppose. This is nonetheless an interesting issue, since the translation out of context is correct. And, more to the point, any non technical English speaker would also be amused if Windows reported back "Broken Pipe" to them. Just like the dumb lady I was talking to once, who told me she was airing her room when I told her to close the window. Most techies, let's face it, speak /at least/ technical English. Just the same as most doctors. I live in a bilingual country, where everyone speaks Arabic and French; they CANNOT translate some terms at all, because they have a psychological block. -- [Simon White. vim/mutt. [EMAIL PROTECTED] GIMPS:61.68% see www.mersenne.org] Recognizing disagreements in belief requires having enough agreements in belief to translate or understand the words and deeds of my opponent. -- Anthony O'Hear (combining, somewhat, several modern philosophers). [Linux user #170823 http://counter.li.org. Home cooked signature rotator.]