On Thu, Apr 04, 2002 at 01:00:40PM -0800, Michael Elkins wrote:
: Eugene Lee wrote:
: > 
: > I'd like to change this slightly.  On messages sent to the mailing list
: > via the alternate address B, I want 'L' to generate the headers using
: > the main address A, i.e. "To: <A>".  Messages sent to the main address A
: > are fine and can be left alone.  I'm guessing a send-hook will work, but
: > I haven't been able to divinate the right combination.
: You can't do this in Mutt.  If you really want to munge the headers,
: your best bet is to do it with procmail before the mail gets delivered.
: send-hook only allows you to change settings, not edit the recipient
: list.

Ahhh.  I was afraid of this.  But thanks for the confirmation.  Do you
or anyone else know if this can be done in version 1.3.28?

Eugene Lee

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