02-Apr-02 at 20:22, Michael Tatge ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote : > Check out $imap_keepalive
The default is 600 seconds for imap_keepalive, so I guess those who have problems should set this lower. I assume if mail_check is set to 30 (as in my config) then I needn't set an imap_keepalive, since I haven't had problems, and my mailbox will get polled anyway. Anyone? -- [Simon White. vim/mutt. [EMAIL PROTECTED] GIMPS:61.07% see www.mersenne.org] Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. -- Rich Cook [Linux user #170823 http://counter.li.org. Home cooked signature rotator.]