* David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-27 07:13:40 -0500]:
> % Here's what the default account-hook entry looks like now:
> % 
> % account-hook . 'unset imap_user ; set folder=~/Mail'
> Hmmm...  Well, if it isn't setting $folder then I bet it's not being
> triggered at all.  You're not really specifying any account information,
> after all...
> You may have to go with a macro that clears $imap_user (it would be
> interesting to, under your current setup, change to an IMAP account
> and then manually change to $HOME/Mail and see if $imap_user has been
> cleared; I'll bet a Twinkie it won't be) and resets $folder.  Of course,
> others may have more ideas or be able to show why I am wrong; I don't
> use IMAP and don't use account-hook and so I haven't much experience on
> which to draw...

Perhaps you can use a folder-hook?


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