in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
wrote Markus Hubig thusly...
> Hi all,
> I'm new on this List, and I have a problem with an spezial
> folder-hook. 
> | folder-hook =mgroups/debian-user-german \
> |     'push T~r>1m!~F\n\;s=archiv/debian-user-german\n'
> |
> | folder-hook =mgroups/debian-user-german \
> |     'push T~r>1m\n\;s=archiv/tipps\n'
> This works greate as long as the tag-prefix-command finds something
> to tag. If there are no mails older than a Month or no flagged one I 
> got the problem that the first new email is saved to the archive.
> Is there a solution to fire up the save-command only when there are
> tagged mails?

why, sure ... via patch,  courtesy
of Nicolas Rachinsky, available at...

...patch applied to 1.3.27i version w/o any problems.  other details
are there or in the list archive.

 - parv


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