On 2002-03-20, David Champion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: : : It's quite clear what he wants, and it's not to stymie mutt with : a logical error. Please don't assume idiocy on the part of your : correspondents just because you're brilliant.
:) : No. "If there is no match among mutt's internal aliases, then, : and only then, perform an external query and show those results." Yes, exactly. I have also looked briefly at lbdb <http://www.spinnaker.de/lbdb/> as another reader suggested, but would prefer a Mutt-only solution. To put the question another way, I was wondering if there was a way to conditionally call an internal function if a previous function fails, in this case complete and complete-query. Sounds like the answer is no... ;) -- Tres Hofmeister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.rap.ucar.edu/~tres/ Research Applications Program, National Center for Atmospheric Research