On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 12:43:59AM +0100, Johan Ekh wrote:
> Hello!
> Mutt gives me the following error "account-hook: unknown command".
Your Mutt version don't has this function :( 
> Any ideas? I use SuSE7.2 and my Mutt installation is the standard rpm that
> comes with the distribution.
Try to use fetchmail + procmail + mutt...
If you want to use <G> command, you can configure this in .muttrc:
# macros
macro index G "!fetchmail<enter>"
macro pager G "!fetchmail<enter>"

!!! (I don't speak english and I don't find a word to say good bye :)
i8u - MichelTS - Curitiba/PR - Brasil

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