On the message from David Collantes, I noticed the following attachment
in mutt:

    [-- Attachment #2: smime.p7s --]
    [-- Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature, Encoding: base64, Size:
    2.7K --]

A brief search on Google identified this as an SMIME attachment.
Is this something akin to a GPG signature?  Is there some package I
need to install on my system (Debian GNU/Linux) to allow me to verify
his email message in the same way as GPG?

What's the deal?


Christopher S. Swingley           phone: 907-474-2689
Computer Systems Manager          email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IARC -- Frontier Program          GPG and PGP keys at my web page:
University of Alaska Fairbanks    www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu/~cswingle

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