On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 04:34:58PM +0100, Pablo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I download mutt, and want to install on an SCO openserver 5.02.
> download , untar were Ok, also "configure" run OK
> but at the moment to execute "MAKE INSTALL" I got this long listing with a lot of 
> Can anyboby help me.
> Thanks in advance 
> Pablo

You need an ANSI C compiler to build mutt.  YOu either need to find one
on your system, or you can download and compile gcc, and use that.  (gcc
will bootstrap with a non-ANSI compiler.)


Daniel E. Eisenbud

"We should go forth on the shortest walk perchance, in the spirit of
undying adventure, never to return,--prepared to send back our embalmed
hearts only as relics to our desolate kingdoms."
                                        --Henry David Thoreau, "Walking"

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