Le 13/03/02 à 05:20, John Buttery écrivit:
>   Even the ISO format is somewhat lacking in this regard, since although
> it is ambiguous in a vacuum, the fact is that people may not _know_ you
> are using that format and so there is still ambiguity, although not a
> failing of the format itself.

That's true of any representation of information. I personally am a
great fan of ISO date format.

> It therefore follows that the only option out of the three that does
> the job without any ambiguity at all is the one with an alpha data.
> Yes, it's culturally biased,

Indeed it is very biased. What if I used "Am 2. Pfinsta nach Mariä
Himmelfahrt, um 3/4 12", which was perfectly understandable in Bavaria
50 years ago, but even nowadays most Bavarian people will wonder which
date that is. Of course, everybody outside Bavaria will probably make no
sense at all of it.

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