Sven, et al -- ...and then Sven Guckes said... % % * David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020312 15:57]: % > I have a running mutt .. that is currently soaking up 100M of memory. ... % > When I start a new mutt on the same folder it only takes some 11M ... % % perhaps the first mutt is female and % the second one is a male mutt? *grin*
*snort* % % > I'm running 1.3.25 .. % % install 1.3.27 and try again, please. Yeah, but there are some patches in the cocktail which break on .27 and so I haven't been able to go forward. I expect that everything will apply just fine by the time .28 comes out and I'll be ready for 1.4... OK, so when I said "Any ideas are welcome" I really meant about this particular instantiation :-) % % Sven % % -- % Ein Mann - ein Wort! % Eine Frau - ein Woeterbuch. :-D -- David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!