* Michael Tatge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020311 13:12]:
> Todd Kokoszka muttered:
> > I happily use vi as my editor with mutt. However, when I started using
> > commands like d/. or c/; and the like (changing or deleting a line
> > until a specific character), my vi display under mutt changed.
> > Each character that I chose became highlighted in orange.
> Don't know about vi, but in vim set nohlsearch.

yup - that's probably it.

Todd - search for any character within your vi ("/.") -
is everything red/orange now?  If so then :set nohls".
And it's quite probably Vim - check with ":version".


Sven Guckes       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Addicted to Vim  --  101 reasons
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