Le 11/03/02 à 17:15, Gerhard Häring écrivit:
> Le 11/03/02 à 15:54, Simon White écrivit:
> > [mutt & imap is slow]
> [...]
> Reading the ~5000 emails from my mutt-user folder takes approx. 18
> seconds. That's really slow, IMNSHO. I think the only thing that would
> really help would be to install a *local* IMAP cache of some sort. But I
> don't know if such a beast even exists.
Apparently, such a best doesn't exist and it wouldn't solve our problem,
either. If I run mutt from my imap server machine, it's equally slow.

Mozilla seems to be faster, though. Apparently it caches the overview
data on disk. kmail seems to also cache overview data, but its lost
after restart.

mail:   gerhard <at> bigfoot <dot> de       registered Linux user #64239
web:    http://www.cs.fhm.edu/~ifw00065/    OpenPGP public key id AD24C930
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