Hello again!

I test the folder_format with the string:
set folder_format= "%\    %C %N %t %d %\  %s %>. %f %\   "
I like how it fell, but I'm want to correct some mistakes:

- The "%N" and "%t" string don't work... %N puts on screen a mark for boxes with new 
mail, %t puts a mark for boxes with tagged mail... How can I make this functions work?

- I want to put the "%s" script in KB format, I try this: %s/1024, but not work... 
There are a way to do this?

- I want to align the number of messages on the left... Can I do this?

I think it's all...
Thanks for help! (and sorry my poor english :)
Michel - Curitiba - Brasil
Ariman is waiting for you...

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