On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 12:34:32PM -0500, darren chamberlain wrote:

> I'd say that it's bad MUAs being mis-configured; you can only do
> so much about that. I've never seen/heard of this problem, and my
> first instinct is to chalk it up to user mis-education.

This is also the way that I think.  One user (one of the Outlook/AOL bunch)
said that it's just too much work to have to manually enter the address of
the poster he wishes to reply to directly, so he complains and sends private
replies to the list.  It's been some time since I've used a MUA other than
Mutt, so really don't understand this.

> Oh, BTW, if this list ran mailman, you'd see a bunch of mailman
> urls in the header, which I, at least, don't.

Confusion on my part.  I guess I remembered being able to subscribe to the
list from http://www.mutt.org and figured that it was a Mailman interface.

Lorin Winchester

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