Quoting Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Mar 11, 2002 12:58]:
> I'm with a little matter: I work with several folder to store
> mails in filtering of procmail... When I type "c" and "?" I
> receive:
> 1     drwxr-sr-x 31 michel   michel       2048 Mar 09 07:33 ../
> 2     drwxr-sr-x  2 michel   michel       1024 Mar 09 08:45 Linux/
> 3     drwxr-sr-x  2 michel   michel       1024 Feb 19 02:02 Musica/
> 4     drwxrwsr-x  2 michel   michel       1024 Mar 09 08:45 Noticias/
> 5     drwxr-sr-x  2 michel   michel       1024 Mar 09 08:42 Pessoal/
> 6     drwxrwsr-x  2 michel   michel       1024 Mar 09 08:45 Programacao/
> 7     -rw-r--r--  1 michel   michel       2240 Mar 09 07:46 adiadas
> 8     -rw-------  1 michel   michel      59865 Mar 09 06:05 enviadas
> 9     lrwxrwxrwx  1 michel   michel         22 Feb 19 04:51 inbox@
> 10    -rw-------  1 michel   michel      46191 Mar 09 08:42 lidas
> Well, I want 2 thing to be changed:
> 1) Programacao, Linux, Musica, Noticias and Pessoal are
> folders... Can I change the color of names (to detach when
> there are boxes with new mail)?

Don't about colors here, sorry.  But...

> 2) Can I filter de screen every time I enter in this screen (to
> remove name, group, permissions or add new labels)?

Take a look at folder_format:

  6.3.49.  folder_format

  Type: string
  Default: "%2C %t %N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f"

  This variable allows you to customize the file browser display to your
  personal taste.  This string is similar to ````$index_format'''', but
  has its own set of printf()-like sequences:

     %C current file number

     %d date/time folder was last modified

     %f filename

     %F file permissions

     %g group name (or numeric gid, if missing)

     %l number of hard links

     %N N if folder has new mail, blank otherwise

     %s size in bytes

     %t * if the file is tagged, blank otherwise

     %u owner name (or numeric uid, if missing)

        right justify the rest of the string and pad with character "X"

        pad to the end of the line with character "X"

It looks likes your is %C %F %l %u %g %s $d $f, give or take a
few format sizes (do :set ?folder_format to see for sure).  It
sounds like you want to remove the %u, %g, and %F formats.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it
from religious conviction.
    -- Blaise Pascal

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