Louis-David Mitterrand muttered:
> Hi,
> Often I receive attachements that carry quoted-printable names
> When trying to save them Mutt doesn't try to decode their name and
> convert them to accented characters. 
> Is there a way to get
>       Prévision_tréso.xls 
> instead of 
>       ?iso-8859-1?Q?Pr=E9vision_tr=E9so.xls?
> as a suggested saved name? Or should I blame the remote MUA for not
> complying to certain standards?

Blame the remote MUA, but set rfc2047_parameters. :)
See manual section 6.3.186.


"It's God.  No, not Richard Stallman, or Linus Torvalds, but God."
(By Matt Welsh)

PGP-Key: http://www-stud.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/~tatgeml/public.key

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