are there any patches for mutt to provide some support for rfc 2369? i
realize a lot of the things this adds are things that mutt provides
already, but it seems like it would be nice if mutt eventually supported
this for lists that already offer it; ie you could configure mutt to
automatically generate a mail-followup-to header and consider something
a 'subscribed' list if those headers are present without you having to
define it....

you could even have commands to 'post to this list', 'followup to this
list', and perhaps even 'subscribe to list'... probably none of these
would be bound by default, but could be interesting.  are there any
patches which do something like this?

i suppose this could cause problems in certain cases, but it would be
convenient as more MLMs start having support for this. or am i missing

Will Yardley
william @ newdream . net

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