On Sun, 10 Mar 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi guys,


> I'm curious about the "set hostname" option. It works
> like a charm, no complains, but I'm wondering how it
> can work if sendmail doesn't allow to a regular user
> to set the "from" line. That is, I run mutt as a
> regular user and without the "set hostname" opton, my
> messages have:

> From: my_username@my_host_name

> I don't want my_host_name and use "set hostname" to
> replace it with email.uc.edu. Like I said, it
> works but how can it work if a regular user can't set
> the "from" address? In general, how can mutt obtain enough permissions
> to also set those other custom headers (like Organization, etc)?

> Can somebody please explain it to me?

Are you using the my_hdr option to set the from line and any other
headers that you want to use?
There is also the set from= option as well.  Mine is set
from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and it gets set w/o a problem.

For Organiazation and things here are some examples:

        # Attention: !!! No comments in the (un)my_hdr lines !!!
        #unmy_hdr *             
        #my_hdr Organization: Wonderland
        #my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

They are commented sections of my .muttrc file that I used to get me
started. :)

> Thanks


You live, You die.  Enjoy the interval!
        -- Clarence

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