* On Sat, Mar 09, 2002 at 08:30:59PM -0500, * MuttER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Since restarting, trying to post mail from within mutt or the command line, mutt >hangs. The rest of mutt's functions, afaict, function properly. > > I removed mutt, then reinstalled. I removed my personal .muttrc, then replaced it. >The only difference I noticed was that without my .muttrc, when I tried to post, mutt >accepted the TO:, and then hung after I completed the SUBJECT: line. It would not >accept keystroke after <enter> on the SUBJECT: line. > > With my .muttrc, mutt hangs when I enter <m> to begin a post. > > Just noticed, mutt also hangs when I enter <L> to post to the mailgroup, status line >indicates: Including quoted message... > > Same thing with <g>. > > I can kill mutt with <kill pid>. > > This would seem to indicate that the editor was hanging, but the same thing happens >when I comment out the editor line in .muttrc.
What's the output of "ps x" while mutt is hanging, is the editor started? If you specify $editor on your .muttrc, what's happening if you try to start $editor from the shellprompt? Nicolas